Quick Links
City of Cathedral City
Tel: (760) 770-0340
Web: www.cathedralcity.gov
City of Coachella
Tel: 760 398-3502
Web: www.coachella.org
County of Riverside
Tel: (909) 955-1000
Web: www.co.riverside.ca.us
City of Desert Hot Springs
Tel: (760) 329-6411
Web: www.deserthotsprings.com/city_hall.htm
City of Indian Wells
Tel: 760.346.2489
Web: www.indianwells-city.org
City of Indio
Tel: (760) 342-6500
Web: www.indio.org
City of La Quinta
Tel: (760) 777-7000
Web: www.la-quinta.org
Palm Desert Civic Center
Tel: (760) 346-0611
Web: www.cityofpalmdesert.com
City of Palm Springs
Tel: (760) 323.8299
Web: www.ci.palm-springs.ca.us
Rancho Mirage City Hall
Tel: 760-324-4511
Web: www.ci.rancho-mirage.ca.us
Coachella Valley Association of Governments
Tel: (760) 346-1127
Web: www.cvag.org
Coachella Valley Economic Partnership
Tel: (760) 340-1575 or (800) 596-1007
Web: www.cvep.com
Coachella Valley Enterprise Zone
Tel: (800) 551-1111 or (760) 391-5176
Web: www.cveza.com
Coachella Valley Multiple Species
Web: www.cvmshcp.org
Desert Chapter
Building Industry Association of Southern California
Tel: (760) 360-2476
Web: www.biasc.org
Desert Communities Empowerment Zone
Tel: (760) 391-5050
Web: www.dcez.org
Desert Contractors Association
Tel : (760) 200-9202
Web: www.desertcontractors.org
Riverside County Integrated Project
Web: rcip.org/maps.htm